woman leaning on her arm looking out a window

Understanding Your Options for an Unplanned Pregnancy

While abortion is not your only option,  it is the only option that terminates a pregnancy. Other options are available that will require carrying your pregnancy to term.


Need help figuring out what to do? Schedule a no-cost options consultation at Ivy Women’s Center. We can talk about all your options in a confidential setting.


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Your Other Options for an Unplanned Pregnancy

Adoption, Kinship Care, Temporary Placement, and Parenting

If terminating your pregnancy is not what you want, you have more than one carry-to-term option. These options include adoption, kinship care, temporary placement, and parenting.


If you think adoption is your preferred choice, here are a few things to know.

  • You are in control. You get to choose the adoptive family, and you pick the life plan that is best for you and your child.
  • Types of adoption plans include closed, open, or semi-open adoption. While closed adoption provides complete anonymity, an open or semi-open adoption plan can enable you to have contact with the adoptive family and your child. An open plan allows you to communicate directly with the adoptive family and your child, while a semi-open plan includes communication through a third party, typically an adoption agency.
  • Regardless of your chosen plan, the adoptive family usually covers adoption agency fees, legal fees, and medical expenses, making this an affordable option.

We can’t brush over the emotions that could come with adoption, though. It can be challenging to go through pregnancy and labor and place your child with another family. It can lead to a mix of emotions and even grief. Many agencies offer emotional support for birth moms, so you don’t have to walk through this alone.

However, while not an easy option, adoption is a selfless act that can be a great gift to both the child and the adoptive family.

We encourage you to consider the weight of this option and the benefits, while also knowing you can change your mind until the adoption is finalized.

Kinship Care

Kinship care is when you choose a family member or an adult with a family tie (step-parent, godparent, etc.) to provide full-time care for your child. It works well for women who want to parent but are unable to at the moment.

If you have adult family members who are willing to help, this can be a beneficial arrangement for you and your child. It provides stability and maintains family connections. You can learn more about kinship care or contact our team with any questions.

Temporary Placement

Another option that many are not aware of is temporary placement. This option exists to give expectant moms a little more time before stepping fully into parenting. With this option, there is no loss of custody, but it can give you peace of mind in knowing that your child is being cared for until you are ready to resume parenting. 


Parenting comes with the responsibility of caring for a new child. This duty comes with plenty of ups and downs, gifts and challenges. 

Many love all the fun parts: naming your child, building a relationship, and seeing them grow and learn. But it can be difficult to provide for another person, navigate discipline, and deal with the unpleasant side of parenting (diapers, getting less sleep, etc.)

However, if you know you want to parent but are unsure how to make it work, don’t give up. There are plenty of financial and material resources, classes, and programs to equip you to be the parent you desire to be. We can connect you with parent coaches and mentors at Ivy Women’s Center in Mentor.

How We Can Help

Visit Ivy Women’s Center for no-cost support, information, and resources. An options consultation at our center can help you consider every option.

Schedule a no-cost and confidential options consultation today.


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