This woman is considering mail-order abortion

After a positive pregnancy test, many women will search for pregnancy options online. But even if mail-order abortion appears in the top search results, it doesn’t mean it’s available or the best choice for your situation.

If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, know you have three options: abortion, parenting, and adoption. Take your time and consider each one before moving forward. Our team at Ivy Women’s Center can help answer any questions you may have.

Here are three things to know if you’re considering a mail-order abortion:

Mail-order abortion could be illegal where you live

Where you live impacts your ability to receive medication abortion drugs by mail. Laws in nineteen states across the country require a clinician to be physically present when administering the drugs, making telemedicine for abortion pills unavailable in those areas. 

The state of Ohio doesn’t have this restriction right now but does require licensed physicians to administer the medication abortion drugs. This means it would be illegal to purchase abortion pills online from an unauthorized provider. This can be especially risky because online sellers are not always legitimate, and could be selling unregulated or dangerous products. 

Check the laws and restrictions of your state before considering this option. 

Abortion might not be necessary for you

Pregnancy tests only tell you if you have detectable levels of the hCG pregnancy hormones in your urine or blood, they can’t tell you whether you have a viable or progressing pregnancy, or how far along you are. 

If ordering a mail-order abortion without first having an ultrasound, you won’t know whether an abortion is necessary, or if it will work given how far along you are. 

Here are a few reasons why mail-order abortion wouldn’t medically necessary: Miscarriage

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week, and about 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end this way, according to Mayo Clinic.

It’s possible to have a positive pregnancy test, only to find out with an ultrasound that your pregnancy isn’t viable or progressing. In this case, you could miscarry on your own, or you may need to seek medical attention.

Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that implants outside of the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube. These are non-viable pregnancies and can be life-threatening if not identified and treated by a medical professional in a timely manner.

Medication abortion wouldn’t be able to treat an ectopic pregnancy because the abortion drugs only work for pregnancies implanted inside the uterus.

More than 10 weeks pregnant

The abortion pill is only approved by the FDA for up to 70 days or less since the first day of your last menstrual cycle. It becomes less effective the farther along you are in your pregnancy.

Even if you recently tested positive for pregnancy, you could have been pregnant for some time without realizing it. An ultrasound will tell you your pregnancy’s gestation or age, so you can better understand the options available to you.

Taking the abortion pill with an STD can spread the infection

Having an STD during an abortion procedure, including the abortion pill, increases your chances of developing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). This can damage your reproductive system and lead to complications, such as scar tissue formation, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and long-term pelvic or abdominal pain. 

With mail-order abortion, STD testing may not be offered, but it’s vital in protecting your reproductive health.

Support when you need it

At Ivy Women’s Center, we provide no-cost and confidential pregnancy services to help you in your decision-making process. Schedule an appointment for pregnancy testing, an ultrasound, limited STD testing, and to talk with our caring and professional team. We’re here to help and support you.

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